How to Tackle Security Risks of MFD

 A Multi-function Device (MFD) is an office device which integrates the functionality of multiple devices in one machine. This machine furnishes centralized document management/ distribution/production in an office environment. An MFD may act as a mixture of some or all of the following devices: printer, copier, scanner, fax, and e-mail. All such gizmos are also referred to as Multi-Function Printer/Product/Peripheral (MFP), or multifunctional, all-in-one (AIO). Photocopier rental services in Delhi can be approached for these multi-functional devices.

Benefits of MFDs

These devices help to facilitate in reduction of organizational costs, support environmental efforts of the Go-Green motive, and boost employee productivity. All such machines are installed and maintained by professionals. There can be security risks associated with the usage of Canon High-Speed Scanners or other MFDs if not correctly configured and secured.

Let us look at some security risks involved in the case of the wrong configuration. They include :

  • Denial or Nonacceptance of service attacks and compromise of personal and confidential info.

The acquisition, implementation, and function of MFDs must be properly handled by both the business/program zones as well as the agency information technology (IT) organization. The companies must analyse the security risks in advance and an appropriate mitigation technique should be adopted that can be documented in the agency’s risk analysis. This should be done before the MFDs are implemented in either a stand-alone or networked setting.

  • Enforce Good Business Practices

It is critical to secure device access as well as user management controls are implemented and informed to all employees. These controls should incorporate identified and well-documented publicized policies and processes,

1) restricted practices related to MFDs.

2) procedures that need business units/teams to justify the requirement for the MFD like printers or Canon LCD Projectors must be done through a written consent process before procuring or using the MFD.

3) adequate manufacturer technical specification reviews, configurations, and testing to sustain the agency security policy prerequisites.

It must be ensured that MFDs are NEVER procured or linked to ANY network without the prior written authorization of the agency’s IT organization and the Information Security Officer (ISO).

Additional suggested security practices include:

The IT organization and the Information Security Officers (ISO) must be actively involved in the copier procurement and non-standard support operations apart from the facilities team.

Enforce an MFD security guideline and integrate the identification of risks associated with the MFDs and possible disclosure problems into the organization’s annual security and privacy awareness training.

What cyber security tips can safeguard your precious MFD?

Keep the below-mentioned security considerations for MFD for safe usage

1.MFDs must comply with all pertinent policies, such as existing facsimile prerequisites or existing fax policy regarding scanning of documents associated with fax transmissions.

2. Any MFD processes that stores data must comply with internal policies, especially the ones related to computer operating systems, configuration management and patch management. For instance, if an MFD has an underlying MS Windows™-based operating system, the MFD must relent with Windows™ policies and get regular (hardware and software) maintenance.

3. Deny the confidential document scanning that may contain confidential or sensitive information for email transmission as there can be a risk of going out of the secure network.

4. Secure all email transmissions from an MFD by complying with existing email policies and practices, including:

  • Limiting outbound MFD email transactions. All scanned documents are to be sent to a single email address, especially forbidding large group distribution.
  • Restrict broadcast emails at one go with inbound or outbound faxes or scanned documents.
  • Buy the MFD with a clause that permits the agency to retain physical custody of the hard drive when the repair is needed or when and needs to be replaced.
  • Before the machine is transferred or disposed of, take active measures to securely sanitize or destroy its hard drive. You can also ensure the hard drive is swapped or returned during a service call.

For a safe and secure MFD installation and MFD Photocopier on rental in DelhiExpress Digital systems are the best.


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