Top Reasons Why Your Company Still Needs Office Printers
Printers at workplace
The first thing many companies eliminate is a printer, to reduce costs. Such businesses believe that having workplace printers is a thing of the past. However, going entirely paperless in the office may not be realistic as well as necessary. Even in this dynamic digital world, office printers and paper copies are paramount for a company’s success in maintaining records. It’s vital to keep both printed and online content data in your business plans to make a well-rounded, multi-faceted company. There is a huge demand for Canon laser printers in Delhi corporate offices.
Numerous firms have embraced the concept of going paperless. It’s a great method to save enough room on your web server apart from being environmentally friendly. Especially in offices where multidimensional printers are operated, it is more suitable to update documents online without having to manually scan them.
Paperless homes and offices have been a dream for many years. With progress in technology and cloud-based storage, there was a common perception that there is no need for paper as it is ecologically unsound.
The truth is very distant from reality. Hardly any homes are paperless and even industries and companies are unable to work without paper. But why so? The verity is that worldwide we are using 50% more paper now than we did 30 years ago. The fact is that in Australia, the average person uses 230kg of paper every year. A 100% paperless company may not be as promising as you may think.
Few reasons why printers are still a necessity.
1. Customers Use paper even if the company decides to go paperless:
It’s not easy to make your workplace paperless since it does not assure that all companies and consumers are on board with that decision. Consumers prefer to maintain a file of papers for easy reference.
For instance: In a company that follows a paperless approach – if you are responsible for sending monthly bills to your customers for their purchases in an office supply firm, it can be sent digitally in a PDF format if your firm is following a paperless method. However, your client may be a locally owned business that hardly ever uses a computer and therefore depends on printouts and physical file maintenance. Such clients will demand a hard copy or paper invoice and may delay payments. It’s all about giving clients convenient ways of dealing and ensuring a two-way process of giving and taking. In such a case, an office printer is necessary. Express Digital system is one of the best Canon Laser Printer dealers in Delhi that offers a wide selection of printers at a low cost.
2. Hard copies sustain technological issues:
Technology is constantly evolving and is also susceptible to breakdown for a variety of reasons that we may never be able to predict. There is a possibility of where the company’s data, papers, and spreadsheets might get permanently deleted leaving work at a standstill and delaying the completion of major projects. It would be impractical to keep hard copies of every document your organization creates so digital backup must be created. However, hard copies of important personal and business data that you can’t afford to lose must be kept in printed form. Accounting paperwork, staff information, and corporate regulations may all be printed using office printers. Even if something goes wrong with digital data, you won’t have any trouble recovering these crucial documents. Many businesses take Canon printers on rent rather than purchasing them.
3.Feel of the paper in hand:
People sometimes just want to hold something in their hands, especially a few employees who prefer to take notes and are comfortable discussing using a paper document rather than flashing and juggling between screens. Indeed, it is convenient for them to be able to highlight and handwrite comments on a page. It has its advantages and might potentially boost your organization’s productivity.
4. Personalised notes will make all the difference:
Sending small mailers or discounts to your consumers in a paperbound form is a great way to show your commitment to them while also making them feel valued and unique. A brief, personalized note is far more impactful in maintaining and growing your relationship with your consumers.
5. Contact as many companies as you can:
Office printers are crucial for your business for the above four reasons but if your company has gone paperless and has eliminated all workplace printers, you are probably restricting your company’s success. To ensure the company’s products and services reach as many people as possible it’s important to tap both markets – the digital world and the paper world. Target audiences can benefit in both ways since incorporating and distributing real print items such as flyers and pamphlets help them to immediately connect with services online through internet services.
These are the top five reasons why a business requires a printer. Express Digital Systems also offers Canon High-Speed Scanners in addition to Canon printers.
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